How Do Functional Movement & HIIT Burn More Calories?

What is functional fitness, exactly? How does it compare to other styles of training? How does HIIT help burn more calories? Why is it so popular at this F45 gym in Smithfield? We give you the lowdown on the effectiveness of this killer combo and how it can help boost your results.

What is it?
Functional movement refers to movements that are performed naturally and in our everyday lives, so functional fitness is about incorporating these movements in a higher-intensity setting to strengthen the muscles used and help us move better in our daily activities.

At F45 Grangegorman, we combine a few techniques in order for our members to get the most out of their training.  Our movements are functional, meaning that the movement patterns can mimic moves that we perform in our daily lives (such as bending down and picking up something heavy off the floor, climbing those steep steps on your hike, or lifting something over your head to put on a high shelf), and our format is HIIT (high-intensity interval training).  We provide a combination of cardio and resistance training so you can get a balanced, full-body workout with maximum time efficiency. The benefits of combining these systems can include:

  • Increased muscle growth and neural adaptation

  • Reductions in fat mass and blood pressure

  • Increases in bone mineral density, which can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures

  • Significant impacts on mental health outcomes, specifically reductions in anxiety and depression symptoms, improvements in sleep quality, and self-esteem

How does it compare?
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) allows participants to maintain high-intensity exercise for longer periods of time than during continuous exercise. This type of training has been shown to lead to greater improvements in aerobic fitness and body composition when compared to moderate steady-state workouts. HIIT workouts have also been shown to come out on top when it comes to burning more calories and increasing post-exercise fat oxidation and energy expenditure, compared to steady-state exercise.

Source: Blog post shared from

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